Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gladmat! Honey? I'm Home!

The food festival was pretty tasty this year! Our goal for the whole evening was to try and locate "The Russian stand" for some Rrrrrr*insert overemphasized roll here*ussian vodka and get us some good honey-covered ribs! We found it and enjoyed. (checking out the menu - heart marks the spot of my dish of choice -below ;)

As the Russians would say "Rrreal Rrrussian men drink vodkah puuure!"(Giving Marit Gjuvsland street cred for her awesome photography mid-convo shot on right)

As some of you may know - I am obsessed with honey, and I bought me some queen bee real estate on the block of this awesome honeycomb house...(Check out the bee's knees and a super sexy honey pot of my dreams below!)

The food was great, the company was cheery and the night was young and went on into the midnight sun :)

If you are in the Stavanger area, and would like to make your night extra sweet - try honeycombs and honey-covered ribs! You won't regret it!



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